Thursday, June 2, 2011

c a t c h u p

I haven't posted in a bit... I've been semi-busy. Well the football team seems like they're pretty decent, the only issue is they're pretty small. Small in size and number, I mean I haven't compared them to another team side by side but they seem kind of short and also short in teamates. Hopefully that isn't really an issue because I am SO excited for next year and a good football team will really be a plus! With managing the football team, being a yearbook editor and also the commissioner of marketing on ASB I think I am SET for a spectacular senior year.

Tonight I had my first real pep rally set up and I think I made some pretty cool posters, I also managed to get black paint all over myself--including my face? I'm so crazy! Guess what else I got to do! I went on the roof! The roof of my flipping school! How cool is that? I had a lot of fun with pep rally set up and I know next year will be just as fun--actually more fun because I will be an OFFICIAL ASB member. During the pep rally set up, I had to go back and forth to football.

I went to football set up and met some of the new managers, they seem nice AND committed. Guess what happened at football? Westling brought his 5 year old Tessa for the second time and we just love her! (She loves us too especially Shelbs) At 4 I had to leave for ASB where we figured out prom court and then I went back to clean up football and I could NOT stop laughing! Tessa wouldn't let go of Shelby's boot and she began crying when we had to leave, it was honestly the best!

All in all my day was quit good! Being optimistic and believing there is a way for everything is the best way to be. It makes life happier and more enjoyable for your peers as well as yourself. I can't to see what tomorrow brings. Goodnight everyone and remember this little quote of mine... "Anything is possible, but are you going to put in the effort?"

Signing off,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

f o o t b a l l d a y t w o

Hey everyone, as I wrote before--I'm on the football team with Shelbs. It basically is the best thing ever. Today was our second official day of "Spring Practice" It kind of seemed easier today than yesterday, probably because we are starting to get the hang of things. Although it was only day two, we started seeing some of the sassy attitudes those boys have! 

About 5 minutes into practice some kid was pissed we hadn't gotten water yet--SORRY we were getting all the equipment buddy! Goodness... People sometimes push me off the ledge! (not literally) I also got a little sass from this one kid-- He said "can I have some water?" so I said "please?" and so he said "please" so I went "thank you" and so he said "thank you" and then I said "good, I'm going to teach you boys how to be gentlemen" and he just rolled his eyes at me ahah! But then later when he wanted water he did say "please" so I taught him well and showed him who's boss! 

We also got another manager today, her name is Ally and she is very nice it seems! She is dating a player. Incest? I mean we're all on the same team! But today I through a football pretty good and I was proud. In general I love what Shelby and I do. It's just the greatest! All the sass was worth it when Coach Westling told us that Shelby and I alone are better than all of last years managers... I'm sure he was only being nice!

**signing off,

w i s h i n g

I wish all my teachers understood me.

I wish my parents understood me.

My friends...

My siblings...

I just wish everyone understood everyone. Think of all the conflict it'd erase. Most every argument is caused by misunderstanding.

For instance, today I was sitting in Chemistry class. I was trying my BEST to stay awake, staying awake is respect and giving respect is earning respect....And I sit on the front row so there would be no way of hiding my nap in class. Unfortunately I dozed in and out about 3 times. Of course the third time my teacher decides to say something. "I HAVE ABOUT 3 OF YOU SLEEPING, it's rude! I'm sorry if it isn't interesting to you but I think Nuclear Chemistry is EXCITING!!!......" Yada yada yada leading to how this chapter test is the second hardest of the semester.

Well.... If she understood who I was, she'd understand I wasn't being rude! I was trying my very best to stay up but I was exhausted! She'd understand that I had a BIG day yesterday.

I had to work on the group project she assigned.... Well I mainly just talked with my good friends Sam (girl) and BMO plus BMO's siblings....

I had the first day of football practice--By the way I'm the football team manager.-- From an outsiders perspective, they'd think being the football manager is a piece of cake. But trust me it's not! We have to carry ALL the heavy equipment, trash cans, get water, keep filling the water... It's tough stuff! If anything it's a piece of prickly cactus--NOT cake.

I had a surprise party for my friend Sam (boy). I didn't know where he lived so I had to "pipl" search his dad--I'm quite familiar with researching people.... That's a secret. Well anyway, I late to his party because of football so of course I missed the surprise. And guess what happened at the surprise party? I GOT HIT IN THE FACE WITH A FOOTBALL! Ironic? Now trust me, that just takes the energy right of you, especially when you don't want to cry because you're surrounded by your peers. (not that I would have cried anyway)

I then had to have my friend Anis (uh-knee-s) drive me to my house, where I had to sneak in through the back gate, into the garage, through the door leading to my house where I could grab my spare key. Why did I need my spare key you may ask? Well--I sort of locked my key in my car at Chick-Fil-A where I was meeting my friend Shelby so we could drive together to football since my car's windows are stuck up and the AC doesn't work.... Anyway you may be wondering why I couldn't call my parents to bring my spare... I had to be sneaky because if they knew I locked my keys in the car, they'd be SO mad because I did it on Saturday as well..... But that's another story!

Once I had retrieved my car I headed right back to Sam's (boy) house to give him his 2nd gift/card of his birthday because I'm THAT nice. I stayed and chatted for a little bit because I wanted avoid going home... You see my parents got my progress report yesterday and I had gotten an "F" in yearbook.... That sort of aggravated them.

So basically yesterday was just SO chaotic! I went to bed early yesterday but I was just really burnt out and tired. I didn't feel good either... Last Friday my friends Shelby, Sam (girl) and I went swimming in the ocean for about an hour.... We felt so refreshed when we saw a sign that said "KEEP OUT sewage contaminated water" and ever since that experience I haven't felt my best and neither have my friends.

So the moral to my story is--if my teacher understood my situation, she would have PRAISED me for sleeping. I'm a good kid I was just pretty tired. It isn't that Nuclear Chemistry doesn't excite me, it's just that I'm a kid and I need to relax sometimes.

**signing off,
